Sunday, 12 July 2009


Today Amir had to spend some time at a conference (on a Sunday! He's a dedicated boy) so Hannah, Dana, and I wandered about some new and old bits of the city.

The first stop was of course breakfast at Pike Place Market, where Hannah liberated a sticky bun from its imprisonment in a bakery. We walked from there down to Olympic Sculpture Park, where a motley bunch of "art installations" jostle for attention by the beachfront. The only one that took my fancy was a fallen log that had been put in a greenhouse and left to grow (but is it art?)

Anyway, a quick trip to the base of the Space Needle to avoid a downpour - welcome to Seattle - was followed by a very nice cappuccino, a trip to see the view from the Queen Anne neighbourhood, and unexpected attendance at some Bastille Day celebrations (a bit early) and then, because we're so international, the Seattle Chinatown Festival. Phew!

Amir snuck away from his conference late afternoon and, so he didn't feel like he missed out, we went to Ballard Locks, the waterway that takes ships from the ocean to Lake Union and includes a fish ladder to keep the salmon happy.

Is there anything left to see in the Pacific Northwest?

Another sticky bun bites the dust.

Hannah and Dana assess the gloomy weather from the beach.

In the green. Here we are in the vivarium.

Caffeine shot.

Vive la revolution, et vive la France!


Just like being there - left to the Arc de Triomphe.

Now we're in Chinatown. Keep up!

McDonalds, originally from the Far East.

Edible bouquets (not from McDonalds).

OK, now we're at Ballard Locks.

If you're a salmon and you get lost there are useful signs to help you.

It worked for these guys.

The lock gates open...

...and the ships sail on to the lake. Or the sea, we weren't entirely sure of the directions.