Sunday, 8 December 2013

Hot buffet breakfast

In Northern California, Chevron family activities usually involved the theatre or arts-and-crafts.  In Canada, our Christmas party invitation said that we might like to bring our snow shoes and hike to see the grizzly bears and timber wolf.

Grouse Mountain is north of us, across the water, the nearest ski slopes to downtown, and every year they hold The Peak of Christmas that sees the ski lodge taken over by sleigh rides, gingerbread villages, and everything else to do with the festive season (apart from religion, of course).  This is where Chevron holds its Christmas family do, and we packed onto the Skyride gondola with two entire child ski-schools - like sardines in a tin that is then frozen for extra freshness - and six minutes later stepped out into a snowy wonderland.  And it was -11C up there.

Hannah was enchanted by the reindeer and the outdoor rink, as well as the flakes falling through the dark pines.  I was there for the breakfast; not just hot, not just all-you-can-eat, but with Santa in attendance.  I wanted to get there first as Santa doesn't get that waistline from holding back.  Pete was as happy as usual to be in his snowsuit, today padded out with extra layers of clothing to protect against the northerly elements.

Not even an on-knee encounter with St. Nicholas brought a smile, although the bear that he received has become an instant favourite.  Talking of bears, the grizzlies were sleeping (um, shouldn't you wake them up for the Christmas party?) but, when the bitter temperatures became too much and we Skyrode back down, we did get to see their pet timber wolf being fed.  He was large enough to enjoy us for his Christmas breakfast, with Pete as a pig-in-a-blanket.

A dusting of snow, even at the foot of the mountain.

Warning: reindeer might bite your face off.

Down comes the gondola as the ski school arrives.

A bit like the BART.

Looking down on the way up.

And we're walking in a winter wonderland!

The outdoor rink.  Sadly no curling up here.

A real reindeer, like the one Hannah ate.

Happy hikers.

Now - let's get this party started.

Christmas breakfast.

Pete enjoys his first ever time on Santa's knee...

...but makes sure to check for authenticity.

There was another gingerbread village up here.  More impressive, I have to admit, than the one in Vancouver city centre.

It had heated up to -6C by this point.  Global warming brought about by reliance on fossil fuels?

This is what I will try next time.

Sliding back down.

But...aren't wolves dogs?  Or are dogs wolves?

Big dog.

The city skyline from the north shore.

Santa was pleasingly on-message with his choice of gifts.