Saturday 19 November 2016

Willing sibling

"...oh, and your sister's escaped again," my Mother dropped nonchalantly into the end of our call.

"What?" I spluttered into my Earl Grey.  "The doctors said that couldn't happen again!"

"Apparently she's more resourceful than they thought."

" least they confiscated her passport."

"Yes, about that..."

I let my weary head sink into my hands.

"Interpol tracked her to Heathrow," Mum went on, conversationally, "but they lost her in the Duty Free.  They think she might be heading to you."

I lifted my face back to the single, unforgiving eye of the webcam.

My Mother, sensing something of my mood, looked kindly and/or disinterestedly at her only, firstborn son.

"It's not that bad," she told me.  "If she arrives just pretend that everything's normal.  They said they should be able to get a containment team out to you in a couple of week."

"A couple of weeks?!"

"Take her to the Cheesecake Factory.  That always placates her.  Anyway, I have to get your Dad his tea now."

I hadn't even finished my sigh of resignation and panic before she signed off.

The doorbell rang.  I made my way downstairs, my sweaty hand slipping awkwardly on the doorknob.  Perhaps it was only the chill November air that made me shiver.

"Hey big brother!" smiled Emily.

I can imagine a lot.

Baltimore airport is actually pretty classy!

Getting ready for the holiday season in International Arrivals.

"One original, one chocolate hazelnut crunch, one caramel pecan...just give us one of each,"