Thursday 26 March 2020

School's Out

In 1982, as a pupil at Vallis First School - Frome's dodgiest primary - I used to look in through the classroom window at playtime and see my teacher Mrs Williams sitting at her desk, smoking a cigarette. If she was in a good mood she would give me a wave. She was never in a good mood.

I've mused on this image often over the years. After a week of home schooling Pete, I finally understand the old witch.

I jest, I jest. I'm fairly sure she wasn't a real witch. But along with many incarcerated parents, and not a few children, my admiration for those who nurture young minds has ascended even higher. I mean, there's more to this than getting Pete to copy out the New Testament for eight hours a day. The school sent a timetable, and we have to do CREATIVE things. Then I have to take photos and upload them to an online portfolio! The technical challenge of this was actually greater than anything else we've faced this week.

Having complained at his recent birthday that I just don't feel as relevant in Pete's life, now that he can read, swim, and ride a bike, the irony isn't lost on me. So I've been working very hard on being a good educator. I will occasionally make him turn off the computer and attempt to teach something face-to-face. The trouble is, I'm not actually sure myself why a boat floats, or how photosynthesis works, or how to multiply two numbers together. Don't get me started on the Spanish - I just add "a" or "o" to the end of English words and hope for the best. There's been some spanking, but only from Hannah after Pete's gone to bed.

I read an interesting article today about how medical modelling led to Houston's county judge and mayor acting early for a shut down, and that their decisions should mean this is all over by May as long as everyone respects the lockdown rules. Wishful thinking, but I'm hoping that I can put Pete back in the hands of a professional educator before the semester is out, for everyone's sake.

Now leave me alone, it's my smoking break.

We're missing our daily bike ride!

The Internet is a great educator.

We do get some social interaction during the day, thanks to next-door's cat Phillio.

On an evening walk we found a park with social distancing guidelines built in!