Saturday, 13 June 2009

Bluer than blue

There was only one thing that Dana had to do on our trip, and that was visit Crater Lake (my choice was the Tillamook Cheese Factory, but that's coming up tomorrow...)

Crater Lake is a National Park a little off the beaten track. It's a huge, almost perfectly round body of water formed when a volcano exploded and then collapsed some 8000 years ago. It filled up with rain water and snow melt to give it's water an incredibly clear, pure, blue colour.

Unfortunately summer comes late in this part of the world, and so most of the roads and trails around the lake were closed due to snow. Lots of snow. We trudged on undaunted for some stunning views, while the weather did its best to give us rain, hale, zero-visibility fog, and various other types of precipitation.

I attempted to impress Dana with my snow driving skills! She didn't let me go any further.

What is it about National Parks and rain? Maybe it's only if you're accompanied by a Pelleg.

First view - not amazing.

But later: wow!

Clear blue water. Apparently you can see 144ft in it.

All this being driven around is tiring Dana out.

This island is all that's left of the volcanic cone.

Whoa. More blue.

Us and a lake.

Looking up at the sky? No! Down at the lake water!! Did I mention how blue it was?

Driving on, the weather turned pretty quickly...

...but then turned back again. And again.

If I couldn't drive through the snow, at least I could ascend it!

More daredevil action from me, by a waterfall we found in a forest.