Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Down, In 'n' Out, Up

The day didn't start well when the lady running boat hire at San Pablo Reservoir informed us it was too windy to take a couple of pedaloes out. Couldn't she tell we're from a great sea-faring nation? Instead we had to make do with the almost as exciting experience of shopping at Target. $150 of spending later I wished I'd fallen overboard.

We followed retail therapy with comfort eating and the uber-Californian experience of In 'n' Out. Scott was especially impressed with his Double-Double animal style accompanied (of course!) by a Neopolitan shake. No one else offered much of an opinion, probably due to them stuffing burgers and fries down as fast as they could.

While the twins slept off their lunch Oliver, Bethany, Scott and I were joined by Dana for a trip to see Up, the new Pixar film. Wow! Just go out now and watch it. Unless you're in the UK, where it doesn't open for another four months. Yet another tick in the niece and nephew satisfaction box for uncle David.

Does it look too windy to you?

The Nephew of Liberty.

Hannah doles out the good stuff.

Burgers quake at the name Rebecca Hammond!

Bethany became remarkably less shy when supplied with a huge bag of popcorn.