Friday 1 September 2023

Never give up on your stupid, stupid dreams

Astute readers of this blog will notice that the frequency of posts has gone down recently. This is not only because the life of the Belgian househusband is less glamorous than that of the young, incredibly handsome, clear-eyed youth who moved to California all those years ago. It's also because I've been writing for profit.

To my complete bafflement, a US publisher has decided to release a collection of my poems. I've been writing poetry since I was at school - and this is a public apology to my friends who had to sit and listen to my impromptu recitations in the sixth form centre. I've had a few things printed in niche, unread magazines over the years, but this is first time I've managed know...legit.

The book's called "Sir David and the Green Card", and is all about going through the US immigration system. So basically a rehash of this blog, but I've heard you're meant to write what you know. The publisher actually has a "marketing department", so I'm hoping to sell more than ten copies, and appear on some talk shows, maybe Wogan or Parkinson.

So thank you to everyone who has ever been nice to me about this blog, which gave me the motivation to keep going. And now I'm available in all good bookstores! And also on Amazon. Or drop me an email for your free print-at-home copy :)

Wow - a bargain!