Where better to tramp than Las Trampas Regional Wilderness, a short drive from us, in the Moraga hills? It's designated a "wilderness" because it's more than ten minutes to the nearest Starbucks.
Yep: a wilderness.
It was 35C+ when we arrived at the staging post in the bottom of a valley, so slinging Pete onto ourselves was an impractical and smelly idea. Instead we clicked his car seat into our all-terrain buggy and set off uphill. Very uphill - soon it didn't matter where the baby was, all three of us were dripping like ice creams in a sauna.
Hannah wanted to give up half-way. Ha! You don't drag the Davies boys out into hell and then tell them you're going to give up! I took over pushing, and Pete registered his support from inside his double-shaded cocoon by not screaming all the time.
We didn't make it to the very top; there was a gate, and at that point we didn't feel like hoisting a buggy over. But we had done ourselves proud, and for our efforts received a view of Las Trampas almost as good as from the top of the ridge. We'll get there next time...when Pete is old enough to push us.
An expedition into the wilderness had profound effects on each of us. On the way home we stopped at Starbucks.
...of civilisation.
Bollinger Creek, not free-flowing at this time of year.
Optimistic, and ready for the off!
Less optimistic.
It was a little steeper than we anticipated.
Almost there.
The view from the nearly-top.
Back at the bottom, and enjoying a kick around after rather a long time in a car seat.
Dining al fresco.
The sweet taste of safety in a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino.
Made for walking.
Finally home, and happily chilling by the pool. We've heard that fresh air may promote hair growth...