She tells me she was there for work but her photos suggest otherwise. It was Calgary Stampede Week during her stay, a thoroughly agricultural event that dates back to 1886 and celebrates all things cowboy/girl - they have them in Canada too! Hannah was required to attend all business meetings in appropriate dress, hence the earlier Dallas-episode-style photo, and returned with many Canadian goodies and a huge shiny Chevron-branded belt buckle. Now she's talking about moving from oil into ranching.
Despite accusations of being full of rednecks it turns out that Calgary is a civilised place.
Or perhaps not.
This was in the children's section of the agri-expo, and is a model of how a cow gives birth, accompanied by videos (no, you don't lift a lid off a cow's back - that's for you to push on to squeeze him out!)
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Here a farmer hoovers his prize cattle.
Sheep turn out to be useful.
Hannah says she knows how Bluebell feels.
The First Nations village.
Check wagon racing.
There's my cowgirl!