As luck would have it Hannah had a last-minute overnight trip to Kitimat so, instead of having to look after ourselves, Pete and I decided to drive down to Seattle to see the Pellegs where Ayal (3) and Guy (1) could entertain him while I drank coffee with Dana. It didn't really work out that way, but we did consume plenty of caffeine and there were moments when all three were not crying/smashing toys/trying to eat pebbles at once. Pete found everything Ayal did hilarious, and Guy was generous in letting his toys be snatched from him, so a special thank you to them both.
Wells Fargo bank was as ruthlessly efficient as ever. "I've actually never seen that form before," said the specialist helping me, "I'll note down the number, as I had a customer asking about that yesterday." Sigh. It looks like trips south will be a regular part of our Canadian experience, but that kind-of makes us more genuine Vancouverites. Also, after Claire and Eavan's visit, I now need tagalong Girl Scout cookies more than I need anything from Trader Joe's, so thanks to them for the added dependency.
We had dinner with Dana, Amir and the boys and then drove back, which worked very well from a baby sleep point of view. Two cars had managed to crunch into each other in the queue for Canadian immigration, which didn't speed up the process, and I had to answer numerous questions about why I was travelling without my wife. "Just you and the baby, eh?" asked the border guard. "Yes, officer," I replied respectfully, "and I'm not even smuggling cheese this time." She let us by with a wave, and a mile up the road it began to rain. We were home!
Pete and Guy; if not playing-with, then playing-near each other.
Doubling down for a trip out.
Coffee - that's why you come to Seattle...
...and that's why you come to Caffe D'arte.
Three men in a tub.
Seattle was very generous with its weather, and we had two days of near-summer.

Pete checks to see if the pebbles taste the same here as in Vancouver. Inconclusive - more tests are needed.
Ayal relaxes on a seal.
Oh, we did do one touristy thing: Pike Place Market. Next door they have the original Starbucks, where we didn't get coffee.
Guy and Pete enjoy the playground.
Then the rest of the Pelleg family joins in.
No shoes or socks. The boy's still Californian at heart.
Amongst the daffodils and cherry blossom.