Saturday 10 May 2014

Canada's Got Talent

We awoke this morning to find that a shanty town had been constructed across the road!  On closer inspection it seemed that the numerous people under blankets and makeshift-umbrella-tents were waiting in a long line around the Westin Hotel.  What would bring so many hundreds out so early?  Perhaps the England cricket team were staying there, or maybe one of the bands that kids listen to these days, like Abba or Oasis.

But no - Hannah's quick internet investigation told us that there were auditions taking place for season seven of The Next Star (you'd have thought, after six unsuccessful seasons, they'd have given up the search by now).  The rules stated that you had to get there before 9am to be guaranteed an audition and then sing two songs, one from the approved list and one of your choosing.  I recognised maybe three songs from this list of 50, and none were by Oasis or Abba.

We watched as the line grew and television cameras appeared, and someone with a megaphone got everyone to cheer and clap a lot while they filmed the spontaneous excitement.  I marvelled at the desperation that would drive so many to think fame and adulation are quickly achievable through a televised talent contest.  I wept tears of pity that fortune and fans are so easily acquired in our disposable media culture.  I grabbed my ukulele and ran down to join the line.

I'm not sure when they arrived, but some of these people looked like they'd been there overnight - possibly not the best preparation for a singing contest.

That's the front, and over on the right is the end.  Some people got to keep their dreams alive longer than others...