Sunday 29 November 2015

'Tis the season (already)

The great thing about having Thanksgiving in late November is that it holds Christmas at bay.  No carols in Woolworths mid-September on this side of the pond!  But then inevitably, mere hours after the deep-fried turkey has congealed in your stomach, Yuletide decorations appear with a vengeance and the festive season explodes like badly-wired fairy lights.  Vince's hangover had hardly begun on Black Friday morning and he'd already found a Christmas station on the radio, subjecting us to Bing Crosby, Maria Carey, and the rest of the usual suspects.

We fully embraced this of course at an hour of bauble and wreath making before church this Sunday.  Even Pete - the least art-and-crafty child I've ever met - got interested in wrapping candles in coloured ribbons.

After that we needed to stock up on home decorations, and there's nowhere better than at a thrift store (apart from stores that sell new stuff that actually works).  I have learned lessons from years past so did plug things in and test them before handing over my $5.

Now the house is all aglow with pretty lights inside and out, and there's a snowglobe that plays "The Holly And The Ivy" sitting on the dining room table.  And it's not even December yet!  Imagine how many great things I can find at thrift stores in the next four weeks of advent!

Psychedelic baubles.  You pour the paint in and swirl it around inside.  Clever.

Who exactly were the crafts for, Hannah?

My favourite thrift store find of the day.  Perhaps some kind of anti-global warming protest ornament?  For $2.99 I left it on the shelf for another lucky thrifter to discover.

Oh the weather outside is frightful etc.

That burning smell could be the fire, or could be...