Tuesday 16 October 2018


The Pellegs came to visit, to escape all that cold dampness up in Seattle, and also because they wanted to see Paul McCartney play in Austin.  Unfortunately they brought the Seattle weather with them, which isn't a bad thing after six months of raging summer but was a little unexpected.  Even when it rains around here it's usually warm, but this was rain and cold.  Very un-Texan.

Dana and Amir have three boys now, and throwing Pete into the mix meant everything was very LOUD and full of energy.  All the boys got on extremely well, which was wonderful for them but somewhat damaging to the physical and emotional well-being of the parents.  Especially when lightsabers became involved.  One-year-old Adam is the most hilarious, half the size of the others but making up for it by shoulder-barging and fist-swinging his way into every situation, unquestioning that he is the alpha male.  A future rugby international, without a doubt.

Our most memorable trip was down to NASA, where we took the tram ride just as the heavens opened.  The tour guides started selling plastic ponchos for $1 each (how else are they going to fund the Mars mission?) and we all huddled together under one.  After the first stop it was suddenly announced that the tour was over as the tram took a sharp left across two car parks in a biblical deluge.  Most people screamed while Adam sat chuckling, enjoying a sedate tour that had now turned into a theme park log flume.

All too quickly they flew home, and suddenly the house is ridiculously empty and quiet, and we need to go to visit them soon (preferably in the summer).  Thankfully Dana has left me with two packs of Seattle's finest coffee, and memories of sitting in the evening after kiddie bedtime, eating an adult meal in silence, as though it was ten years ago in Berkeley again.  Ah, the luxuries of youth.

Hannah managed to keep all the demanding boys quiet, but she's had a lot of practice with me.

Classic Houston shot (though normally sunny).

Space family.

Everyone's having a wonderful time on the tram tour!

Escape capsule.

I attempt Hannah's trick, with less success.

Another day, another museum.

 Keeping fit together.

 A slightly less healthy Ayal in a new Halloween display.

England takes on the combined might of the US-Israeli chess team.  England wins!  (After I lost a 1-on-1 game with five-yr-old Guy...)