Sunday 21 July 2019

Gone to the dogs

I've always been a lone wolf, but when I heard that the dog show was in town I was happy to follow the pack and go along. Of course, being Texas, this wasn't just a dog show but The Houston World Series Of Dog Shows. While I had a ruff idea of what might be involved I was paw-sitively shocked at the scale of it all.

The show takes place in the same space as the rodeo, and spends five days working through the multitude breed judging and obedience tests, while hundreds of stalls will sell you everything the dog or dog lover may require.

But - as I think I mentioned - this is Texas, so along with the normal there's also Six Step, where an owner and dog dance to country tunes, and Flyball, where a team of four dogs jump fences to retrieve balls as fast as possible. While business-suited breeders show their pedigree pups, tattooed and muscled men enter their mastiffs into cart pulling contests.

It was completely overwhelming, but we found serenity in the petting area where we tickled Welsh Pembroke Corgis under their chins. There were also some American Hairless Terriers, who don't shed but have problems with sunburn, and various things that had been crossed with Chihuahuas, like Cheagles, Pomchis, Chimations and Chiweenies (they're all real - look them up!)

And though I may complain that Pete is high-maintenance, after seeing the hair products, grooming equipment, doggy outfits, treat selections, etc. on display I can safely say that looking after something on two legs is far less taxing than one with four.

Flyball. A serious sport.

See? Teams even have their own logos!

Some obedience. OK, this is better than having a child.

Meeting the star of the ring.

Barn Hunt, where dogs have to find (real) rats.

Is this a bear show too?

13 of the various judging rings.

It's basically a rodeo for dogs, without the bit where they get kids to ride sheep.

Hmm, no thanks.


"This is degrading."

No artificial colours.

Even more grooming.

Doggy dance.

The finale - to The Lion King.

Pete meets some Chi-somethings.

And a boxer.

And one of those hairless ones.

Dogpower. Cuter than horsepower.

What the top dogs take home.