Tuesday 1 September 2020

A change of pace

Despite waiting patiently for it to change, the desert remained hot and dry. But thankfully there are some hills nearby, on the other side of Santa Fe, and an interesting National Park in-between.

Pecos National Historical Park is a very ancient and very important Native American site, with a great location on a river between plains and mountains. It was a cultural and economic hub but (surprise) was quickly seized by colonials after they discovered it. Amazingly it wasn't the British to blame this time but the Spanish! After revolts, reclamations, the Santa Fe Trail, and the Mexican-American War, all that's now left is archaeological digs and the remnants of an old church. Visiting medieval churches was a staple of Hannah's European family holidays, so we continued the tradition.

The next day we ran for the hills and found a fantastic walk in Santa Fe National Forest, a beautiful mix of pines and aspen. Like a lot of places around here, this is a ski resort in the winter but right now is the perfect location and temperature to hike. Even Pete didn't complain. Much.

Then the highlight: Hannah had discovered that nearby, still high in the hills, was a Japanese spa. Pete has been going on about "onsen" ever since our holiday to Japan last year, and due to Covid the Ten Thousand Waves spa is only allowing a few bookings in private outdoor tubs. So in we went, stripped off, and soaked away the hours on the trail. Or me and Hannah did - Pete was more excited about the loo with all the buttons.

Looking out across the Pecos River Valley.


 Measuring the arch.

 Walking down the aisle.

Another National Park, another Junior Ranger badge!

Sunset over the sandstone.

Off on the trail again. "Yay!" say some of us.

Add another to the "following Hannah and Pete" photo collection.

Boys outdoors.

Santa Fe is very arty - a fact they trace back to the crafts of Native American dwellers in places like Pecos! So here's some art someone hung on the trail (several miles from anywhere, I should add).

What's this?

Who needs Japan when you have New Mexico?!

Totally authentic. Maybe.

They do have koi.

Safety first!

Private paradise.

Pete in the cooling room.

"Let me try a cute self-timer of us all in the tub together!" Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Discussing whether we should come here tomorrow as well. And then the next day too.

But, for Pete, the main attraction.