Wednesday 4 November 2020

Term limits

Finally, a day long anticipated in America arrived. Yes, it was Hannah's birthday! She demurred on the offer of breakfast in bed from Pete, but was treated to many coffees and a full day of work in her home office for her beloved Chevron. So...pretty much the same as normal.

And that, dear reader, is why updates have been a little sparse lately. After the flurry of our New Mexico summer, things have settled into a well-worn routine. School remains video-based for Pete, and my chance of publishing the great American novel remains even more remote than Hannah's work.

Of course, this means the bright spots are even brighter! We've managed a socially-distanced bike ride with our neighbours, and the Cubs helped out with moving pumpkins around a church. We saw one of Pete's pre-school friends at a Halloween party at a local park! It was a bring-your-own-candy affair to prevent contamination, which did not impress the children present. We've even indulged in the British trend of cat-stealing!

In the midst of all this, the USA is trying to decide whether it wants an old white man or an old white man to lead it. The latest I've heard is that you can stop the process whenever you want and declare victory! I think this should be adopted by all American sports, it may actually make baseball watchable. At least the question of who's in charge around here isn't up for debate (hint: not the person typing).

Happy birthday Hannah! Yes, I made those cupcakes.

Galveston: always empty. The perfect Covid destination!

Pete doing his best.

Are we in the right place for the Halloween party?

Davies in the lead, the peloton trailing badly.

When I serve coffee, this is what I mean. I haven't been wasting my lockdown time!

A boy and his pumpkin.


Thanks to Aunty Katharine for the charming door hanging.

The highlight of every afternoon.

Why own a cat when you can "borrow"?

Did I hear there was an election?