Sunday 11 July 2021

Illegal aliens

Like all good (and several bad) things, our stay in New Mexico had to come to an end. Just to make sure we didn't miss it too much, we went for a hike that consisted of eating sandwiches while sheltering under a tree in a torrential downpour. Flashbacks to my scouting days there.

We decided to break up the long drive home with a night in a hotel and, on the way, a trip to Roswell. For those closed-minded readers who doubt the evidence of their own eyes, Roswell is the place where a UFO crash-landed in July 1947, with multiple unimpeachable accounts of flying discs, otherworldly debris, and little green/grey men wandering about. No one bothered to talk about it until 30 years after it happened, but what more proof do you need of a government cover-up?

The other incontrovertible evidence that this all happened is that Roswell is alien crazy, with every gas station boasting its own painted alien and every shop somehow working an alien into its name/decoration regardless of what it sells.

We decided to go straight to the heart of things, to the International UFO Museum And Research Center. For only a small fee you can pose with a (completely accurate) recreation of the crash and read the detailed timeline about what happened. There are also many displays about sci-fi movies and shows, which I thought took away somewhat from the TRUTH, but fine. Perhaps being a resident alien myself left me a bit touchy.

We celebrated the last night of the holiday with a steak in San Angelo, west Texas, a place that the pandemic seems to have passed by completely; interstellar visitors may be real but apparently viruses aren't, judging by the way vaccination statistics don't quite add up to the people taking no precautions. Whatever - I'm sure the alien tech the US leveraged to make the vaccines is working just fine.

A beautiful walk in the sunshine at Bluff Springs, NM...

...until the rain started coming down. I know the feeling, kid. It builds character.

Visitors have long been coming to New Mexico to enjoy the landscape.

Pete surveys the crash site.

Was "The Day The Earth Stood Still" a documentary?!

Pete attends an alien autopsy.

See? It's THE TRUTH (all capitals).

In a galaxy far, far away.

If cutting up cows is a sign of alien visitation, I've got a prime suspect right here.