Friday 26 March 2010

On the dole

They make pineapples here in Hawaii. Lots of pineapples! Huge swathes of prime real estate in the centre of this island are given over to the prickly but delicious fruits, and Hannah and I stopped off at the Dole plantation today on our way to the north of the island.

The plantation has a nice garden with various varieties of pineapple on display, and an even bigger gift shop where everything that can possibly be pineapple themed can be purchased. They also offer what is reputedly the island's best pineapple ice cream...although it was a little Mr Whippy to really deserve that honour.

Did you know it takes 20 months for a plant's first pineapple to mature? And then 14-15 months for the second? And that's it for that shrub! I'll never look at that slice on the rim of my Mai Tai the same way again.

Aloha from pineapple land.

Everything you need to know.



Even more!

Hannah managed to hold herself back from vaulting the fence and breaking her Lent vow.

There's no place like home.

Tonight they will haunt my nightmares.

Hawaiian Mr Whippy.