We did get to go up Coit Tower, which is always fun, and even saw a couple of the famous parrots. I finally enjoyed a very nice cup of birthday Blue Bottle coffee late on in the afternoon. On Sunday we chilled in the Creek. Chilled being the operative word - Meg and I were not joined in the swimming pool, and then we went out for frozen yogurt.
Urban girls.
This is Meg babysitting me in the Apple Store while Hannah and Ellen went clothes shopping.
I had to really plead to be allowed into this shop.
Retail session over, heading up the steps to Coit Tower.
And when they were only half-way up...
Meg digs deep for a final push to the summit!
Up there!
And what's this? Yes, I made a very large and generous donation to the Coit Tower restoration fund, and so they put my name on the top step! But I don't like to talk about my charity work.
Hmmm, I know that feeling.
Striking a pretty pose.
Sunday, in the sunnier Creek, next to the "art".
Yogurtland's new poster girl.