Wednesday 24 April 2013

Em here, Han gone

Hannah has survived her first day back at work.  And she enjoyed it!  Apparently it was fun not being vomited over constantly (that only happens when her boss gets really mad).  She also discovered a task that should have been done while she was away wasn't, which allowed her to feel angry and indispensable, and that always puts her in a good mood.

But before you feel sorry for poor little me, left alone with a baby and a fridge full of beer, my sister Emily has arrived!  She's a pediatric nurse.  Every good manager knows how important it is to delegate, and now that I'm back to being the full-time Executive Domestic Director I'm making sure that I excel.  It's also important for Pete to get to know his family, very well, at all times of day and night.  I'm only thinking of him.

Chevron: the company that loves.  "Thank you.  Now get me the chief exec on the phone."

Family likeness.