Which means that our cuteness quotient has dropped dramatically with the departure of Lauren, Nate and Genevieve. They headed south this morning, back to parched California after enjoying the verdant surroundings up here. They were very impressed with Vancouver, although they were undemanding guests - endless supplies of coffee, and babies to entertain each other, seemed to do the trick. Anyway, here's the cuteness:
An easy morning...of me not having to look after my own child.
When in Vancouver.
This is the cute I refer to.
A lot of play happened near if not actually with each other.
Gen gets in on the World Cup action.
In Stanley Park.
Action pose.
When in Vancouver #2.
One to show at their wedding. Although shortly after this an emergency bath extraction occurred due to...foreign matter being introduced to the water.
More me absolving responsibility.
Gen tries gnawing her way to freedom.
Donuts on Granville Island.
In the park with mum.
More gnawing, this time at the Urban Tea Room.
How the world thinks the English eat afternoon tea.
How we actually eat afternoon tea.
It was father's day, and here are two prime examples.
We finished their trip with a visit to the newly-expanded aquarium.
They look so tasty.
The tropic zone has an additional new species: tree pygmies.
Perfect harmony.