Saturday 16 April 2016

A lovestruck Romeo

Davies Tours Ltd. usually caters to the international market, but we're also happy to accommodate domestic visitors who want to see their nation's capital.  Which is why we were overjoyed when Lauren, Nate and Evie decided to book in with us!  And they're from California, which is virtually a different country.

The highlight of their visit is that Pete and Evie get to meet again.  They're betrothed, which they'll come to thank us for when later they don't have to deal with time-consuming, useless things like dating and love.  This is the way we do things in the UK - and the bride's family provides us with something we hold valuable in our culture, like a sack of potatoes or a picture of Prince Charles.

Thankfully, Pete and Evie are rather taken with each other.  Except when they're not, like when they both want to play with the same toy and it all descends into shouting and tears.  All good preparation for marriage.

They even brought the weather of Walnut Creek with them!

Evie: fearless, which is good for someone who will one day become a Davies.

Balance and posture.

All daughters become their mothers.


Nate is a medic, which means for some reason I suggested going to the museum that makes me faint.  Pete was overjoyed.

They breed 'em tall in NorCal.

I decided to read some of the labels this time.  And, as darkness crept around the edges of my vision, I quickly realised it was a bad idea.


This is how I would parent, if we didn't constantly have visitors around to do it for me.

A trip to the park.  And now the real cuteness begins.

Awwwww!  This is how old Hannah and I were when we met.

Not so cute - early voting is in progress at our local fire station.  Vote early, vote often!

The inevitable, awkward talk with the father.

More cuteness!

A game of hide and seek.  I'm not sure if Pete was hiding or counting at this point.

So much cuteness Washington DC can hardly contain it!