Saturday 29 September 2018

The moon on a stick

We do love the Moon around here, what with "Houston" being the first word said from there (if you ignore all the other words).  So when it came to putting up a crazy art happening in the centre of town, why not stick with our favourite theme?

moonGARDEN is a set of 22 big round things that glow, in Discovery Green in the heart of downtown.  Some of the moons play music, others put on shadow puppet displays now and again.  It was quite lovely, walking around them in the dark, but also rather strange. 

The whole thing is sponsored by Ikea which I imagine means that, after the ten days of the exhibit, they're all being deflated and flat-packed, ready for reassembly the next time 22 moons are called for.



You could wave a torch around in front of some and they'd interact with you!

Dark side.

An inflatable astronaut to walk on an inflatable moon.


Goodnight moons.