Last year I got to be an official photographer at Haas's >play conference. Once again my picture taking skills were sought out by the organisers (or maybe I asked nicely if I could help...) and I found myself at >play 2009, snapping away at the latest gadgets and developments in the digital media world. I even got a free t-shirt!
First things first - registration.

Lots of cool stuff is here... controlling your home media setup using your iPhone! Now I just need to get a telly. And an iPhone!
Interested spectators.
Neuroboy is a game you control with your mind. Perfect if you're uncoordinated.
Here's a map of the user's brainwaves. They're thinking a lot about yellow at the moment.
I had a nice chat with Girls in Tech, and while I was desperate for a t-shirt they didn't have any :(
A lot of the day revolves around keynote speakers and panels, with some big names from the gaming and entertainment industries. This one was about monetizing (a great American word).
And here's Magoosh - a home-grown Haas student company, helping you get through the GMAT exam (you have to pass it to get into business school).
SugarSync - make sure you can get to your files from your phone, office, and home. Alternatively, write everything down on a piece of paper and carry it everywhere with you.
Ohhhhh yes, the free t-shirt! Powder blue is my colour.