Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Living dangerously

Think Northern California is a haven of peace and tranquility where the living is good and the sun always shines? Think again! Today we received the following e-mail from the Village Office. Between this and our earthquake kit, we should be prepared for any eventuality.

Dear Residents,

Heavy rains, flooding and power outages are predicted for this week (week of Jan 19)

Be prepared by having:

batteries & flashlights:

or lightsticks (good for kids)

non-perishable foods

extra clothes or blankets to keep warm

More tips for handling power outages:

Radio: Have battery-powered radios on hand.

Phones: Keep fully charged cell phones and corded regular phones ready. Cordless phones won't work in an outage.

Refrigeration: Fill and stow several liter-sized soda bottles in the freezer. In an outage, they can be put in the refrigerator to keep food from spoiling.

Power lines: If you see a downed power line, call PG&E's emergency help line.

We have been warned...