Friday, 2 April 2010


It has been a tough 40 days. I decided to give up alcohol for Lent because...well, I failed to give up anything last year. So, apart from one slight hiccup (they made me!) none of the evil juice has passed my lips for six-odd weeks.

But today is Good Friday, so-called because it's when you can eat/drink the stuff you've denied yourself for so long. And a drink came to my attention recently that I realised I had to finish my fast with. The Flaming Dr Pepper!

From Wikipedia: a shot glass 3/4 full with Amaretto, and 1/4 high proof liquor (such as Everclear or Bacardi 151) to make it flammable. (The two liquors are not mixed; rather, the high-proof alcohol is layered on top to burn more easily.) The shot is then set on fire and dropped into a glass half-filled with beer.

We're in wine country for the weekend, and who better to join me in this venture than Vince and Jack? No humans were harmed in the making of this important ones, at least.

The ingredients, assembled in an extremely pleasing photographic manner.

Willing test subjects.

Come on, light!

Ready for the off. "Make sure the flames are out before you drink," was Vince's helpful advice.

Down the hatch.

I'm sure this was easier when I was in college...

Bottoms up!