Friday 3 February 2012

Import duty

Hannah is back!  And along with her stories of business class luxury she arrived with a hoard of Philippine goodies.  These included banana chips - oh no, not your usual Trader Joe's dried ones but deep fried! - mango balls, cane sugar wine, and cashew marzipan.  I'm currently drinking some roasted malunggay tea.  "Malunggay is Moringa Oleifera" the box helpfully tells me.  It tastes like sweetened boiled cabbage, but leaves your mouth tingling after each sip.  Hmmm.

Anyway, she says she's happy to be home, but in her eyes I see the emptiness caused by a lack of warm towels and room service.  I'll stick her flannel in the microwave, to let her know I care.

Very helpful, as I've been living on Marmite and toast since she left.