Tuesday 15 January 2013

Medieval quackery

When we found out we were going to have a baby I promised myself that my blog wouldn't become a "baby blog".  True, all my most popular posts have been the ones with pics of cute kids, but I am an authentic individual who can define himself independently!  I asked my wife and she said that's fine.

Unfortunately baby-ness has been thrust upon me in a slightly unforeseen manner.  We came into the hospital yesterday to get Hannah's blood pressure checked and were told "we're probably going to induce birth in the next 36 hours".  Yep!  After much medication Hannah's pressure dropped (no one bothered to check my blood pressure) and things seemed stable, but then at 9pm six medical staff appeared from nowhere and said "we have to do a Caesarian NOW!!"

That was a bit of a shock, but the anaesthetist, who I want to find and kiss, needed some blood tests done.  While they were happening they disconnected Hannah from some meds and - amazingly, blessedly, miraculously - several other mothers around suddenly needed to deliver even more urgently than us.  By the time they got back to us, Hannah all prepped and me wearing natty green scrubs, things had calmed down.  Turned out the baby didn't like the meds and he's much happier now.

That was all a little dramatic.  Current thinking is that they're going to give the poor baby a "stress test" tonight with some fake contractions.  If he passes he can stay in another couple of days, if not it's out by C-section!  It's going to be a strange few hours.  Unfortunately he'll be in an incubator for the first month, but we can visit whenever we like and start breastfeeding whenever he's ready ("recreational breastfeeding" at first - I wish that could be offered more widely).  Being premature means he's at a higher risk of learning and behavioural issues, but then aren't we all?  More as it happens...

I've been dressed like this all day, trying to sneak into various operating theatres around the hospital.  "I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look!"

The fine selection of entertainment in our room

Hannah, smiling - which is incredible given it's a few minutes after being told "we're about to cut you open".  Thankfully that didn't happen, and the oxygen mask is now gone.

That's the time and, underneath, how long we've been here.  It's so the US healthcare system knows how much to charge you on the way out...