Saturday 4 January 2014

Thy leaves are so unchanging

This was meant to be a really dramatic post with loads of great pictures of Christmas trees being torn to shreds, but unfortunately the reality didn't live up to the promise (like so much in my life).  We carted our tree - cunningly balanced on Pete's pushchair while Pete was in there too - across the Vancouver peninsula where the Lion's Club was offering free tree chipping.

Maybe we arrived too early, or maybe the chipping wasn't "live", but there was certainly no cool industrial equipment turning yule logs into sawdust.  We just dumped our little tree, cold and alone like so many turkey leftovers, next to a large pile of similar trees, and walked on.  Next year we're doing this.

There weren't any lions either!  False advertising.

There's ours, in the body bag.

Pete is unimpressed.  Actually, this is just his normal face.