Friday 11 April 2014

And in last place...

I used to be #1 in my parents' affections.  Then my sister was born, then they got a cat, then they met Hannah, and finally and most damagingly along came their grandson.  My fall from grace is complete.  I now rank higher in the affections of my dentist than of my mother and father (I love you Elliot!)

It works the other way around as well, of course, and with my parents' arrival I've dropped off my son's radar too.  Like an indentured servant I get a cursory nod when I deliver food or cleaning services and I'm then expected to withdraw in a respectful manner.  I've had it!  I'm out of here!  As soon as I've finished all the British tea and chocolate, and that litre of Baileys, that Grandma and Grandpa brought with them...

A duet of Peters.

"And then the nice old lady completely forgot about her son and fell in love with the little baby and they all lived happily ever after.  The end."