There are complications - who is meant to be entertaining who? Who changes whose nappies, etc.? But mostly things have gone without a hitch. It does make it cheaper when you only have to buy two senior tickets and baby gets in free. I am the most expensive, and therefore valuable, member of the family.
In the last week we've taken the travelling sandwich out and about to Science World, Queen Elizabeth Park, and several beaches. We do have to be home at 3pm every day for nap time - for three out of four of us, at least.
Down on Jericho Beach in Kitsilano.
Taking a break on a sea wall bench.
Down at the float plane terminal - both Petes are equally entertained by planes and boats.
Queen Elizabeth Park.
An interesting sculpture - like Doctor Who from the 70s.
What's this? A coyote in QE park? Yep!
Hannah bravely plays in the fountains.
Next day, and back to Science World! Buttons!!
Dad shares everything he knows about naval architecture.
Look! Science!
Hot sandwich.
Dad builds patiently with Keva planks. Shortly afterwards a toddler arrived. What happened next?

At the Science World canteen. An experiment that should definitely not be repeated.
Another day, another beach.
How much sand am I going to have to hoover up later?
The outside generations, waiting for mummy (another tasty filling) to get back from work.