Now we're all older, wiser, and have children. Charlie and Isabella are exactly Pete's age but have way cooler toys, none of which were bought from thrift stores, so he was over-the-moon to have both playmates and things to play with that worked and were clean and complete.
We're only here for a few days, but we did bring our own duty-free spirits so as not to be too much of a drain on resources. Unfortunately this doesn't balance the generosity; the scales have swung mightily back and we're now hugely in debt to Jack and Amanda. I guess there might be some babysitting of twins in our near future...
Feeding the army.
Two monsters with bubble guns.
The biggest (and cutest) monster of them all.
There was a lot of playing with bubbles.
A lot.
"So, Pete, what exactly are your intentions towards my daughter?"