Many people seem to be happy to say goodbye to 2016, although the BBC did work hard and manage to list
four good things that have happened this year. Regardless of quality, it's always nice to have a party so we invited the Muckers up for a traditional knees up. "Traditional" means celebrating British New Year at 7pm EST and then all being home and in bed by 10pm at the latest. Every New Year means you're a little bit older as well, it seems.
Girls gone wild.
JJ's always wild.
Vince, whose Commander-in-Chief will soon be you-know-who, decided to leave his sanity/sobriety in 2016.
Meg set up an extremely popular tattoo parlour in the living room.
Chaos at the chimes of Big Ben. If the world makes it to 2018, next time we'll do this at the Muckers'.