We decided to finish the holiday on a cultural high by looking around the National Portrait Gallery and then drowning our sorrows at the ever-wonderful City Tap House. Neither disappointed. Excitement was provided on the way home by Hannah forgetting her rucksack and then getting into a shouting match with a man who had found it and claimed the Peppa Pig magazines inside were his. Ah, city living.
Then it was a last, beautiful trip around the Beltway to Dulles to drop our British guests. The drive was thankfully far less congested than when they arrived, and I got home to find that Meg was putting her new Christmas tablet to good use and messaging me copious pictures of the pizza she was eating at the airport. What is it with young people nowadays having to share every detail of their lives online? Where could she get it from...?
Someone is going to miss another someone very much.
Ladies soaking in the culture...before soaking in the beer.
Take kids into DC, release them into an art museum. Job done.
Meg contemplates the organic transmutations of volumatic space made solid.
A bit more contemplation.
The fabulous National Portrait Gallery.
The fabulous City Tap House.
One for the road/plane.
Until next time...