Which is why it's so great that Ellen and Megan are here to add the necessary frisson and make Christmas great again!
No, of course not. Megan floats in like the ballerina she is and takes on the role of Hannah's sous chef (or is it the other way around?) I'm told this year we're having croque-en-bouche. I have no idea what that is. Meanwhile, Ellen mixes cocktails and compliments my coffee. Everyone is happy and relaxed, peace and joy reigns.
Their arrival in Houston coincided with a heatwave. More of a humidity-wave really, like being slapped with a hot towel when you step outside. Apparently it's going to get chilly for Christmas (i.e. below 20C) which Houstonians like.
In their short time so far I've introduced them to a small number of Texan delights, such as Torchy's Tacos and Specs liquor store. The low point for Meg has been a visit to the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. She has to do a project on an artist for school so we went to see some real Georgia O'Keeffes as none are on public display in the UK. She was unimpressed, by school work on holiday or art. What a relief - I'm usually the only one that's grumpy at Christmastime.
Art. Or whatever.
She was slightly more impressed by the weird tunnel that connects the museum's two buildings.
It's an O'Keeffe! Homework done.
What passes for art appreciation with the youth of today.
Out and about in McGovern Gardens.
Texas? Time for tacos! After chips and guac, obvs.
And the holidays have begun. Cheers!
A more appropriate drink for the little ones.