Saturday 21 April 2018

I don't like your face

Three strangers rode into town.  I slowly raised myself from the rocking chair on my porch, polishing my sheriff's badge with a dirty cuff.

"Your kind ain't welcome here," I drawled.

"Too bad," they replied, "because we're staying for three weeks."

Yes, the grandparents are back, together with my sister (who the courts gladly released into their care after the most recent "incident" at the asylum).  They say everyone is the hero of their own story, so why have I been relegated to the role of domestic help?  No matter - the grandson is over the moon, the excitement uncontainable in his small body and manifesting as non-stop bouncing.  The grandparents and sister are happy too, and who wouldn't be with this level of service?  Excuse me while I prepare aperitifs before the gourmet dinner.

 Hole In The Wall Gang (my wall).

A little light thrifting on the first day, and Emily finds something cowboy to take home with her.

Thanks to Grandma's imports, the fabled four layer Angel Delight!

Soft touch.

 A small toast for Dad's 85th birthday.

It's never too early to start on Champagne (or fizzy apple juice).