Sunday, 29 November 2009

Tour #17

Today it was a trip (like Jelly Belly) that I never mind repeating - Marin County and the Golden Gate Bridge. We took in the trees of Muir Woods, the ocean views of Muir Beach Overlook, the stunning engineering of the bridge, and the last-minute Black Friday bargains of Emeryville (we left Dad to nap in the motel for that one). It was all polished off with a fine dinner at the Pyramid Brewery.

And that's it! Dad and Em return home tomorrow, Premium Economy via Virgin Atlantic. Their stay has flown by, with a jaunt to Vegas, celebrating Thanksgiving, and lots of food. Dad already has his next stay booked for May, Emily might be allowed back for her 40th...

Lining up for a ranger talk.

The apples haven't fallen far from the tree.

Picnic by the Pacific.

Sunlight and ocean.

Feat of engineering.

The shadow of the bridge.

One for the road!