Tuesday 24 August 2010

Boiling point

I'm typing this blog lying on our sofa in my underwear. A lovely image, I know, but this is not for your enjoyment but merely the practicality of getting maximum surface area exposed to the air conditioner.

Today the temperatures in Walnut Creek hit 100 and kept going. Fahrenheit, rather than centigrade, but to be honest it wouldn't make much difference. The familiar English feeling of always being slightly damp due to constant rain has been replaced by unending sweatiness. "You sweat two pints a day through your feet!" my Dad always used to tell us, his rationale for making us always wear socks (even on the beach). I used to scoff, but now I have a suspicion he's right.

When discussing the situation with Israeli friends they've told me to close the windows and turn on the air con. Close the windows? In England you open the windows to cool the house down, or to let the smoke from your coal-burning fire out into the frigid August air. Still, I have followed their advice and things are certainly more pleasant.

It's due to drop to less concrete-cracking temperatures later in the week, when more manageable warmth in the high-80s (28C) is expected. 28C is manageable - that's how suburban Californian we've become. As for tonight, I'll be sleeping in the pool.

101F (38C) in the shade. They don't have a thermometer in the sun because it would melt or explode or something.