Eileen, our apartment manager who lives downstairs, has been enjoying a little visitor to her patio every few nights, one that's been playing in her fountain and messing up her flower pots. He seems to be an orphan, is not scared of people in the slightest, and basically taps on her window for food. She's understandably unimpressed by a critter eating her plants but I've been desperately trying to spot him.
Well, everyone was happy today when the sweet little troublemaker was caught and transported to a happier life at Lindsay Wildlife Museum hospital. I was woken by strange sounds at around 5am which turned out to be a baby raccoon complaining about being trapped. How do you lure a raccoon? With marshmallows. That's why they're always around when you camp.
Eileen refused my offer of taking the little stripey one off her hands myself. Pete needs a playmate, and having a pet teaches children about care and responsibility. Apparently I'd signed something in the lease that says I agree not to do such things. I'll have to read the small print more diligently when we move to Vancouver.
Caught like a raccoon in a trap! Exactly like one.
I will call him Little Stripey and I will take him home and he will love me.