Tuesday 6 August 2013

The end of the road

As surely as sunshine follows rain, rain followed sunshine and the finest week of British weather since records began (possibly) ended in flood warnings and apocalyptic thunder.  Our trip to the mother country ends also, a time to stock up on tea and Cadbury's, on chocolate Hob Nobs and Marmite.

We've spent the last few days popping about the West Country between parents before heading towards Heathrow via Woking.  Hannah went shopping today with Ellen while I got to enjoy time with Goddaughter Megan.  We lunched, we saw Despicable Me 2 in 3D, we found an unlikely Italian gelateria newly opened in the centre of town.  Incredibly it didn't rain.

It has been a fine few weeks, and a huge thank you to everyone who made time to see us, give us food, come to Pete's baptism, etc.  Come and visit us in Walnut Creek soon!  Very soon, because our visa application is now in the Canadian embassy and, with the Queen being Head of State there, it's really only a formality.  I think.

We went to the beach again, and it was sunny!

In the Badger Brewery cafe in Blandford.  Only coffee and tea were consumed, sadly.

Pete's development continues in leaps and bounds (it's the superior education system here).

With Grandparents #1.

And the inevitable rain arrives, even when the sky is blue!

Luckily our friend Allan was on hand with his daughter's brolly.

And here are the daughters, and mother Jo, very ably entertaining the little boy.  Later we had a full-on variety show from the younger ones, like in The Sound of Music.

Back to Frome, with Mum and frequent-travelling-companion Sheila - both have wiped my bottom many a time, although not for a few years.

With Grandparents #2.


Despicable Me 2, which pretty much lived up to the title.

Finishing off with ice cream.  Outside!  In England!  Time to leave while the memory is fresh.