Thursday 22 August 2013

Sitting on his own two feet

Peter is an "at risk" baby.  Not a judgement on us as parents, so I'm told, but because he was tiny when he popped out.  There's no particular consequence to this other than our hospital making us attend loads of reviews and charging us $25 a time.  US healthcare is the best!

One of our regular appointments is with physiotherapist Heidi, and in this case my $25 gets me a chair to sit on for ten minutes while I watch her play with Pete and a load of toys on the floor.  Like I do all day every day, for less than $25.

At the end of the session I'm given a worksheet of things I have to make Peter do next time, and this one was all about sitting.  Pete's Grandma, a fellow physio, told me the advanced stage is to get baby to reach for things above his head.  I'm nothing if not ambitious, but perhaps this is trying to run before we can walk...

I made this for physio Grandma.