Before all this indulgence we went to church. It was the cathedral's morning eucharist, a little sparsely attended given the two midnight masses the night before, and nicely family focused. For some reason there was a TV cameraman interviewing various people about why they were there and, you know, naturally he spotted my talent. Meg, Ellen and I made the evening news, just before the Pope:
Watch us here. The star above Bethlehem was not the only one shining brightly today!
In other news:
It tastes like Christmas!
Meg is more refined in her approach.
Another new taste: Pete tries goldfish for the first time.
A finely coutured pair.
Walking back from church on a fine Vancouver day.
Hannah makes a short pilgrimage to the Chevron barge.
Wow, more of that wrapping stuff! This is the best Christmas ever!!
Sitting down to the proper food.
Mother and child.
Now that is a Christmas dinner.