If you are unaware of the complexities of rodeo sports ("the clock stops when the steer is on his side with all four legs pointing in the same direction"), then you're not alone. None of us was quite sure of the judging, scoring, penalty system, etc. But who cares when grown men are being thrown in the air by crazed animals?
Rednecks get upset when you try to take their photos. This is Jim-Bob.
Hannah is ditching business school to become a cowgirl.
Which country are we in again?
Despite appearances, he's not fully in control of that horse.
This was the between-event entertainment...
Steer wrestling - a sport of subtlety, strategy and dexterity.
Run, little calf, run!
Anti-American sentiment was running high...
Check out the hats!
Ride 'em, cowboy! I shouted that several times.
Breakdancing-with-a-horse was one of the more popular events.
They enjoy it. Honest!
Just like in the westerns, except with corporate sponsors.
Bull riding. This was the last event, and the one that a gladiatorial crowd had been waiting for.
Not sure he meant to do that.
The bull whisperer.
Job done, the bull trots calmly away.
And presumably they don't ride bulls.