It also provided a wonderful opportunity to bring out the old guitar game, so cruelly forgotten in the wake of owning an Xbox. The excuse was that Eran and Dana had brought along their two boys, Nadav and Sivan, but in truth we just wanted some old-school playing. Ah, the happy sounds of tinny computerised tunes, "the music of my nightmares" as Sagy uncharitably put it.
No sooner had we come home from this three-hour breakfast than Akhil and Maulshree knocked on the door and wondered if we wanted to join them at 4.30pm for Pimms o'clock. There are some things that the British still do best (aside from everything).
And I've heard whispers of a barbecue tomorrow...
The Polish mother prepares the feast.
Daphny and Moran discuss the merits of Israeli food.
There's a new guitar hero in town - Nadav.
Later, at Pimms o'clock: Akhil, Ran, Michael, Tanqueray, Hannah.