James has always been slightly better at maths than me (in the way that a fish has always been slightly better at breathing underwater than me). His superior intellect is the main reason for my ongoing enmity and resentment towards him that is obvious to everyone.
It was little surprise, therefore, when this morning he pulled out a challenge that involved advanced geometry and bagels. Our mission - from something he had seen online - was to divide a bagel into interlinked halves with one single cut, leaving two Mobius rings of tasty dough that provide maximum surface area for cream cheese.
Confusing? Of course! Delicious? Extremely.

The subject of the experiment, and the tools.
Perfect prior planning prevents poor performance.
The first cut is the deepest.
Inspection time. Have they? Haven't they?
Of course they have, ye of little faith.
A close-up of the hyperbagel. No fakery here: two perfect interlocking loops.
Our completely independent judge confirms our success.
So James, still better at maths than me?
Well...ok, a draw.
And now the hard part, toasting! James employs some specialist tools.
Infinite toasted cream cheese goodness.

= tasty
Want to try it for yourself? Instructions
here (consultation available...for a small fee).