Sara had bought some tasty dried fruits from Trader Joe's and as I munched on them, sipping a cup of lime tea in the afternoon sun (it's pretty tough for Haas partners at the moment), I realised that I had my very own arboreal project sat at home. Appalled by my fake Christmas tree effort this year, Vince and Christine had given me a (100% guaranteed) grow-your-own giant sequoia kit.
Ably assisted by Elliot, Dana and Sara, the results were as follows:
Dried fruits and nuts, all part of the Tree's New Year traditions.
Hey, wasn't Christmas invented in Israel? The circle is complete!
Five tiny seeds that should grow into one of these.
My beautiful assistant Elliot on seed-holding duty while I prepare the mini-greenhouse.
Moistening the soil, with marigold for added scientific effect.
Seeds added, and covered with a strange fertiliser pebble mix.
And look! A Dana-tree grew instantly!!
Now it sits in the fridge for 20 days to fool the seeds into thinking they've been through winter. Champagne and potato salad optional extras. Anyway, after that they come out, enjoy the sun, and grow! (Check back for daily updates)