Sunday, 14 February 2010

Wise, old

I'm always amazed by the wildlife that surrounds us here in California, and never more so than this week when a bunch of Western Burrowing Owls turned up for their annual winter stay at Berkeley Marina.

These cute crepuscular critters stand around ten inches tall and move into unused burrows of other creatures, in this case the local ground squirrels. This being California, signs instruct you not to point at the owls (which can inform predators of their position) or stare too long as this causes them stress (which would presumably result in a law suit).

What's this I spy?

Not your common-or-garden night-dwelling owls here.

One of the locals, not too impressed.

Beady eyes.

Owls: adorable.

A gorgeous day on the Bay.

Some more common Berkeley wildlife.