Monday 21 March 2011

Return ticket

We're back on the sunny Californian coast again.  Our plane took off a bit late from Heathrow, but when I asked for a gin and tonic the stewardess inquired whether I wanted a large one.  "It is a long flight," she explained.  This is why we fly British Airways.

So it's been a wonderful couple of weeks in the old country.  Thank you to everyone we've seen, who have all treated us like royalty - practicing for Will & Kate's wedding, no doubt.  We managed to put about 1,500 miles onto the clock of the poor little Corsa we hired, but it was so economical that Chevron saw scant benefit from that.

This week brings the excitement of not having to wear a hat and gloves everywhere, and a move to a new apartment!  We have extra bedrooms now, so all of you who said you'd come out to see us have to keep your promises.  We have a list.

Home sweet home!