Saturday 5 March 2011

You can choose your friends

The whole reason we're back in the royal and ancient Kingdom of Britain is to celebrate my Mum's 70th birthday (and pick up some chocolate HobNobs while we're about it).  Today it was party #1 which was in Wales and involved the entire family in a mafia-like gathering, including a niece who Skyped in from New York.

It's always unnerving mixing with so many relatives, as traits and habits you thought were only yours and therefore curable turn out to be familywide and therefore genetic and inescapable.  But that's also comforting, and we had a great time catching up and (of course!) eating and drinking.  Mum even managed to blow out all her own candles.

Entering God's own country.

The family gathered around the table...

...and overflowed.

Nia, the newest member of the clan, with mum Vicki.

Richard (nephew), Emily (daughter), Mum (Mum), Liz (niece), Hannah (daughter-in-law).

Preparing the cake.

A rapt audience.

Still enough puff.

My parents: happily married after all these years.


Cousin Liz (there were four Elizabeths present today, this one is my Godson Freddie's mother) enjoys a slice.