Friday 22 June 2012

Seattle outlook

Excitement arrived!  In the form of Dana and Ayal, who are down visiting from Seattle for the week.  They popped over to the Creek for the day, but unfortunately brought the Seattle weather with them.  I had planned to take young Ayal for a swim but even I went off the idea under grey skies and with a temperature drop of around 15C since Wednesday.

Instead we wandered downtown, stopping off at the library, the park, and enjoying some ice cream in between, because it's never too cold for ice cream.  We spoke of the old country (Uni Village) while Ayal bounced around being super-cute in the way that Israeli babies seem to do better than anyone.  And what's the point of super-cute babies if not to fill my blog with photos?  So here you go.

Playing and singing.

You can't keep cuteness caged!

This is as close as we got to a swim.  Sensibly.

Down at WC library.

The favourite book: Where's Spot?

At the park (I was enjoying myself on the climbing frame).

Smiling, because a) he's on the swings, b) the sun's finally out, c) he's always smiling!